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Promoesport and UNICEF: Transforming the future through education in Mali


In an effort to address global educational gaps, Promoesport built a UNICEF Spain partnership in a pioneering project, through the creation of the solidarity clause in representation contracts. One of the projects of the agreement is based on promoting education in Mali, with the country's children.

In Mali, only 7% of children between the ages of 3 and 5 have access to early childhood education, a reality that requires urgent solutions. A shortage of pre-school services, a lack of trained teachers and limited infrastructure have created significant barriers for children, especially in rural communities.

This partnership focuses on improving access to quality early childhood education. With a three-year cross-sectoral approach, the project has made remarkable progress. From training educators to creating safe and equipped school environments, each activity is designed to overcome the specific challenges faced by Malian children on their path to education.

Throughout the project, results are exceeding initial expectations. More than 232 educators trained, 100 centres equipped and safe, 17 water points to improve sanitation and, most impressive, 6,408 children enrolled, exceeding the initial target of 4,500. These figures reflect not only quantitative achievements, but a real change in the lives of Malian children on their path to education.

Despite the socio-political challenges in Mali, Promoesport and UNICEF Spain remain committed to educational transformation. The active participation of communities and the holistic approach of the project demonstrate that collaboration can make a difference.