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Jhon Córdoba, one step away from the glory


Jhon Andrés Córdoba, represented by Promoesport, will play this Sunday wih Colombia the grand final of the Copa América against Argentina. 

The clash will be the country's third final in the competition, and a possible victory will mean the second championship in its history after the one achieved in 2001. Ahead of them will be Argentina, current champion, in a match to be played on Sunday at 2:00 a.m. in Miami, USA. 

The Colombian striker reaches the final after having participated in all the competition matches so far, 4 as a starter and 1 as a substitute, leaving a tally of 2 goals and 1 assist on his record, a great mark, in his general line of the whole season

From Promoesport, we wish him all the luck for this momentous match.